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jello: Pretty-print JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
$ cat ${file-json} | jello
try on your machine

The command "cat ${file-json} | jello" is a Unix/Linux command that involves two different commands: "cat" and "jello", connected through a pipe "|" symbol.

  1. "cat" command: The "cat" command is short for "concatenate", and its purpose is to display the contents of one or more files on the terminal. In this command, the variable "${file-json}" is passed as an argument to the "cat" command. The "${file-json}" is likely a placeholder for the actual name of a JSON file.

  2. "|" (Pipe) symbol: The pipe symbol "|" is used to redirect the output of one command as the input to another command. It connects the output of the preceding command ("cat ${file-json}") to the standard input of the following command ("jello").

  3. "jello" command: The "jello" command is not a standard Unix/Linux command. It's possible that it is a custom or user-defined command that operates on the input received from the "cat" command. Without further information about the "jello" command, it is difficult to determine its exact function or purpose.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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