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jmeter: Run a specific test plan in nongui mode.
$ jmeter --nongui --testfile ${filename}.jmx
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The command jmeter is used to run Apache JMeter, an open-source performance testing tool. Here's how the command works:

--nongui option: This specifies that JMeter will run in a non-GUI (command-line) mode, meaning there won't be a graphical user interface to interact with. This is useful when running JMeter in headless or automated environments.

--testfile ${filename}.jmx option: This specifies the JMX (Java JMeter Execution) test file to run. ${filename} is a placeholder variable that needs to be replaced with the actual filename (without the brackets). The JMX file contains the test plan, which defines the scenarios, requests, and configurations for the performance test. By specifying the test file, JMeter knows which test plan to execute.

In summary, the command jmeter --nongui --testfile ${filename}.jmx executes JMeter in non-GUI mode, running the performance test defined in the specified JMX test file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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