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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jmeter. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


JMeter is a popular, open-source, and Java-based command line tool for performance testing and measuring the performance of web applications. It is primarily used for load testing, stress testing, and functional testing of websites, web applications, APIs, and other web services. JMeter supports multiple protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, LDAP, JDBC, JMS, and more, allowing users to simulate real-world scenarios and test the performance of various systems. The tool is highly customizable and flexible, offering a wide range of features and configurations to meet the testing needs of different applications and environments. JMeter can simulate hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users, allowing performance engineers to identify performance bottlenecks, analyze system behavior under heavy load, and tune the application accordingly. It provides detailed graphical and tabular reports summarizing the performance metrics, including response time, throughput, error rate, and other key indicators. JMeter supports distributed testing, allowing testers to distribute the load across multiple systems, making it easier to simulate real-world scenarios and generate higher loads. The tool has a user-friendly GUI for creating and configuring test plans, which can be saved as XML files and executed from the command line. JMeter also provides extensibility through its plugin architecture, allowing users to enhance its functionality by adding custom plugins or using existing ones. Overall, JMeter is a powerful and versatile command line tool for performance testing, providing a comprehensive set of features for analyzing and improving the performance of web applications.

List of commands for jmeter:

  • jmeter:tldr:071f4 jmeter: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific JMeter property.
    $ jmeter --jmeterproperty ${key}='${value}' --nongui --testfile ${filename}.jmx
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  • jmeter:tldr:1177c jmeter: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific log file.
    $ jmeter --nogui --testfile ${filename}.jmx --logfile ${path-to-logfile}.jtl
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  • jmeter:tldr:904e1 jmeter: Run a specific test plan in nongui mode.
    $ jmeter --nongui --testfile ${filename}.jmx
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  • jmeter:tldr:ed6f0 jmeter: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific proxy.
    $ jmeter --nongui --testfile ${filename}.jmx --proxyHost ${127-0-0-1} --proxyPort ${8888}
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