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jpegtran: Mirror an image horizontally or vertically.
$ jpegtran -flip ${select} ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg}
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The command jpegtran -flip ${select} ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg} is a command-line command for flipping or rotating a JPEG image using the jpegtran tool.

Here is what each part of the command does:

  • jpegtran is the name of the command-line tool used to manipulate JPEG files.
  • -flip is an option or flag provided to jpegtran which specifies that the image should be flipped vertically.
  • ${select} is a variable that should be replaced with the specific parameters or arguments required by the jpegtran tool. The purpose of this variable depends on how it is defined or used in the context where this command is used.
  • ${path-to-image-jpg} is another variable that should be replaced with the path to the input JPEG image file that you want to flip.
  • > is a redirection operator that is used to redirect the output of the command to a file instead of displaying it on the command-line interface. In this case, it means redirecting the output of the jpegtran command to a file.
  • ${path-to-output-jpg} is a variable that should be replaced with the path and file name of the output JPEG image file where the flipped image will be saved.

In summary, this command flips a specified JPEG image vertically using the jpegtran tool and saves the flipped image to another JPEG file specified by the ${path-to-output-jpg} variable. The ${select} variable and its purpose depend on how it is implemented in the specific context where this command is used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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