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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jpegtran. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


JPEGTRAN is a command-line tool for manipulating JPEG files. It is a part of the Independent JPEG Group's software suite, which aims to provide high-quality tools for working with JPEG images. With jpegtran, you can perform various operations on JPEG files, such as lossless transformations, transcoding to a different format, and optimizing compression parameters.

One of the notable features of jpegtran is the ability to perform lossless transformations on JPEG files. This means that you can rotate, flip, crop, or transpose the image without any loss in quality. The tool achieves this by rearranging the image's internal data structure.

Jpegtran also supports transcoding JPEG files to different formats, such as BMP, PPM, or Targa. This allows for easy conversion between different image formats.

Another important functionality of jpegtran is its ability to optimize JPEG compression parameters. By tweaking these parameters, you can often achieve a smaller file size without noticeable degradation in image quality.

Jpegtran is highly versatile and can be used in batch processing through scripts or integration with other software. Its command-line interface makes it a powerful tool for automating tasks involving JPEG image manipulation and conversion.

Overall, jpegtran is a valuable command-line tool for working with JPEG files, providing multiple options for lossless transformations, transcoding, and compression optimization.

List of commands for jpegtran:

  • jpegtran:tldr:1e074 jpegtran: Rotate an image 90, 180 or 270 degrees clockwise.
    $ jpegtran -rotate ${select} ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg}
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  • jpegtran:tldr:29844 jpegtran: Crop the image to a rectangular region of width `W` and height `H`, starting at point `X` and `Y` from the upper-left corner.
    $ jpegtran -crop ${W}x${H}+${X}+${Y} ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg}
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  • jpegtran:tldr:4ae1a jpegtran: Mirror an image horizontally or vertically.
    $ jpegtran -flip ${select} ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg}
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  • jpegtran:tldr:69dbb jpegtran: Transverse the image across the upper right to lower left axis.
    $ jpegtran -transverse ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg}
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  • jpegtran:tldr:6ae50 jpegtran: Convert the image to grayscale.
    $ jpegtran -grayscale ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg}
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  • jpegtran:tldr:94e62 jpegtran: Transpose the image across the upper-left to lower right axis.
    $ jpegtran -transpose ${path-to-image-jpg} > ${path-to-output-jpg}
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  • jpegtran:tldr:a7847 jpegtran: Crop the image to a rectangular region of width `W` and height `H` from the upper-left corner, saving the output to a specific file.
    $ jpegtran -crop ${W}x${H} -outfile ${path-to-output-jpg} ${path-to-image-jpg}
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