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jrnl: Insert a new entry with your editor.
$ jrnl
try on your machine

The "jrnl" command is used to create and manage a journal in a command-line interface. It allows users to write and store journal entries, view and search previous entries, and export the journal data.

Here are some common uses and features of the "jrnl" command:

  1. Creating a new journal entry: By simply typing "jrnl," you can start writing a new journal entry and save it for later retrieval.

  2. Time-stamping entries: Each journal entry is automatically timestamped with the current date and time.

  3. Adding tags: You can add tags to your journal entries to categorize them and make searching easier.

  4. Searching for entries: You can search for specific entries or entries containing certain keywords by using the search functionality provided by the "jrnl" command.

  5. Editing entries: You can edit and update previously saved journal entries.

  6. View entries within a specific date range: You can specify a date range to view a subset of your journal entries.

  7. Exporting: You can export your journal entries to various formats like JSON, plaintext, and HTML.

  8. Encrypted journals: "jrnl" also supports encrypted journals, allowing you to encrypt your journal entries for increased privacy and security.

Overall, the "jrnl" command provides a simple and efficient way to maintain a personal journal using a command-line interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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