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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jrnl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


JRNL is a command line tool, primarily used for keeping a personal journal or diary. It allows users to quickly jot down thoughts, ideas, or events in a text file format from the command line interface.

  1. JRNL offers a simple and efficient way to document daily activities, thoughts, goals, or any other personal writing.
  2. It can be seamlessly integrated into a command line workflow, providing a minimalistic and distraction-free writing experience.
  3. The tool allows users to add tags, timestamps, and even locations to their journal entries, making organization and retrieval of information easier.
  4. JRNL supports rich-text formatting (Markdown), offering options to style and format entries.
  5. It enables users to search and filter journal entries based on various criteria like date, tags, or text content, making it effortless to navigate through a vast collection of entries.
  6. The tool also provides the ability to export entries in various formats like plain text, markdown, HTML, or JSON for easy sharing or further processing.
  7. Users can set up password protection for their journal files, ensuring privacy and security of their personal content.
  8. JRNL supports syncing and backing up journal entries to cloud storage services, enabling access to entries across multiple devices.
  9. It supports plugins, allowing further customization and extending functionality through additional tools or integrations.
  10. JRNL is an open-source project, which means it is continuously being improved and enhanced by its community of contributors.

List of commands for jrnl:

  • jrnl:tldr:71a65 jrnl: Insert a new entry with your editor.
    $ jrnl
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  • jrnl:tldr:87eb4 jrnl: Quickly insert a new entry.
    $ jrnl ${today at 3am}: ${title}. ${content}
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  • jrnl:tldr:c0b15 jrnl: Edit all entries tagged with "texas" and "history".
    $ jrnl ${@texas} -and ${@history} --edit
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  • jrnl:tldr:c2ab9 jrnl: View the last ten entries.
    $ jrnl -n ${10}
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  • jrnl:tldr:cee06 jrnl: View everything that happened from the start of last year to the start of last march.
    $ jrnl -from "${last year}" -until ${march}
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tool overview