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List of commands for jupytext:

  • jupytext:tldr:0ced9 jupytext: Update the input cells in a notebook and preserve outputs and metadata.
    $ jupytext --update --to notebook ${notebook-py}
    try on your machine
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  • jupytext:tldr:28098 jupytext: Convert a notebook to a `.py` file.
    $ jupytext --to py ${notebook-ipynb}
    try on your machine
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  • jupytext:tldr:5239d jupytext: Convert a `.py` file to a notebook with no outputs.
    $ jupytext --to notebook ${notebook-py}
    try on your machine
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  • jupytext:tldr:54043 jupytext: Update all paired representations of a notebook.
    $ jupytext --sync ${notebook-ipynb}
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  • jupytext:tldr:b638f jupytext: Turn a notebook into a paired `.ipynb`/`.py` notebook.
    $ jupytext --set-formats ipynb,py ${notebook-ipynb}
    try on your machine
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  • jupytext:tldr:f8f24 jupytext: Convert a `.md` file to a notebook and run it.
    $ jupytext --to notebook --execute ${notebook-md}
    try on your machine
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