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jwt: Encode key pair payload to JWT.
$ jwt encode --alg ${HS256} --secret ${1234567890} -P key=value
try on your machine

This command is using a tool or library called jwt to encode a JSON Web Token (JWT). Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  • jwt encode: This is the main command to encode a JWT.
  • --alg ${HS256}: This flag specifies the algorithm to be used for encoding the JWT. In this case, it is set to HS256, which is a symmetric algorithm that uses a shared secret key to both encode and decode the token.
  • --secret ${1234567890}: This flag sets the secret key to be used with the specified algorithm. In this case, the secret key is set as 1234567890. The actual secret key used in real applications would typically be longer and more secure.
  • -P key=value: This flag is used to add any additional claims or properties to the JWT. It allows you to specify custom key-value pairs that will be included in the encoded token. Replace key and value with the specific key-value pairs you want to include in your JWT.

Overall, this command encodes a JWT using the HS256 algorithm with the secret key 1234567890 and adds additional properties specified by the -P flag.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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