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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jwt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The JWT (JSON Web Token) is a command line tool used for working with JSON web tokens. It allows users to generate, parse, verify, and manipulate JWTs from the command line. JWTs are commonly used for authentication and authorization purposes in web applications. The tool supports several cryptographic algorithms for signing and verifying tokens, including HMAC, RSA, and ECDSA. It provides options for generating both symmetric and asymmetric keys, which can be used for token verification. The JWT tool also allows users to specify claims (such as issuer, subject, expiration time) while generating tokens. It provides functionality to encode and decode JWTs, allowing users to extract and view their contents. The tool offers options for setting token expiration time, enabling time-based validity for the tokens. It supports token signing with private keys and verification using public keys for added security. Overall, the JWT command line tool simplifies the process of working with JSON web tokens for authentication and authorization purposes.

List of commands for jwt:

  • jwt:tldr:7c914 jwt: Decode a JWT as a JSON string.
    $ jwt decode -j ${jwt_string}
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  • jwt:tldr:9c42b jwt: Encode a JSON string to a JWT.
    $ jwt encode --alg ${HS256} --secret ${1234567890} '${json_string}'
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  • jwt:tldr:a1995 jwt: Encode key pair payload to JWT.
    $ jwt encode --alg ${HS256} --secret ${1234567890} -P key=value
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  • jwt:tldr:fba58 jwt: Decode a JWT.
    $ jwt decode ${jwt_string}
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