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kate: Create a new editor instance even if one is already open.
$ kate --new
try on your machine

The "kate" command with the "--new" flag is used to open a new instance of the Kate text editor in Linux or Unix systems.

"Kate" is a powerful and feature-rich text editor for the KDE desktop environment. It provides a user-friendly interface and supports syntax highlighting, code folding, session management, plugins, and other advanced features.

When you execute the "kate --new" command in the terminal, it launches a new instance of Kate, allowing you to start a new editing session with a blank document. If you already have an instance of Kate running, it will open a separate window, allowing you to work on multiple documents simultaneously.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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