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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kate is a powerful command line text editor primarily used on Unix-based systems. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Kate offers a wide range of features, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

One notable feature of Kate is its extensive syntax highlighting capabilities. It supports highlighting for more than 200 programming languages, making coding and editing various files a breeze. Additionally, Kate provides automatic indentation, bracket matching, and code folding, enhancing code readability and organization.

Another important feature of Kate is its support for multiple windows and tabs. Users can easily navigate between different files and projects, reducing the need for constant switching between applications. It also allows users to split windows vertically or horizontally, enabling a side-by-side view of different files.

Kate also offers a highly customizable interface, allowing users to tailor it according to their preferences. Users can choose from various color schemes and font styles, customize toolbars and shortcuts, and even apply different themes.

With its built-in search and replace functionality, Kate enables users to quickly find and modify specific text within files. It supports regex-based search and search results are displayed in a separate pane for easy navigation.

Kate also provides a host of advanced features such as code snippets, templates, and macros. These features allow users to streamline their workflows by creating reusable code blocks and automating repetitive tasks.

For collaborative editing, Kate supports session sharing, allowing multiple users to work on the same file simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for remote pair programming or code reviews.

In addition to local file editing, Kate also offers remote editing capabilities. Users can access files on remote servers via protocols like FTP, SFTP, and SSH directly from Kate's interface.

Kate's functionality can be further extended through plugins. It supports a wide array of plugins that enhance its capabilities, such as version control integration, file browser, and spell check.

Overall, Kate is a versatile and feature-rich command line text editor that offers a user-friendly experience combined with powerful editing tools and customization options. It is widely used by developers, system administrators, and other professionals in the Unix-based environment.

List of commands for kate:

  • kate:tldr:3d55e kate: Display help.
    $ kate --help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • kate:tldr:445d3 kate: Open a file with the cursor at the specific line.
    $ kate --line ${line_number} ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • kate:tldr:99e1f kate: Create a new editor instance even if one is already open.
    $ kate --new
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • kate:tldr:9b2b8 kate: Open a file with the cursor at the specific line and column.
    $ kate --line ${line_number} --column ${column_number} ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • kate:tldr:d5588 kate: Open specific files.
    $ kate ${filename1 filename2 ---}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview