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kdialog: Open a dialog containing a specific dropdown menu and print the selected item to `stdout`.
$ kdialog --combobx "${message}" "${item1}" "${item2}" "${---}"
try on your machine

The command kdialog --combobx "${message}" "${item1}" "${item2}" "${---}" is used to display a combination box dialog box using the kdialog program. Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • kdialog is a program in the KDE (K Desktop Environment) that allows you to display various types of dialog boxes.
  • --combobx is an option for kdialog that specifies that a combination box dialog box should be shown. A combination box is a dropdown menu that allows the user to select one option from a list.
  • "${message}" is a variable or value that represents the message or prompt displayed at the top of the dialog box. This can be a string of text that provides instructions or information to the user.
  • "${item1}" and "${item2}" are variables or values that represent individual items or options in the combination box. These can be strings of text that describe the available choices in the dropdown menu.
  • "${---}" is a placeholder that seems to be an error or a typo in the command. It does not have any specific meaning in this context and may cause the command to fail.

Overall, this command is used to display a combination box dialog box with a message, item1, item2, and possibly an incorrect placeholder.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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