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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kdialog. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kdialog is a command line tool primarily used in Linux environments that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for shell scripts. It is a part of the KDE Software Compilation, specifically designed to work with the K Desktop Environment (KDE). With Kdialog, script developers can create various dialog boxes, message boxes, input boxes, and other interactive elements through the command line. This tool allows scripts to prompt users for input, display information, ask for confirmation, and present options, enhancing user interaction. Kdialog supports a wide range of dialog types, including file selection, password input, calendar selection, progress bars, and more. Additionally, it provides customization options, such as setting window titles, button labels, and various appearance settings. Overall, Kdialog facilitates the creation of more user-friendly and interactive shell scripts in KDE-based Linux systems.

List of commands for kdialog:

  • kdialog:tldr:00b47 kdialog: Open a warning dialog with a `yes`, `no`, and `cancel` button, returning `0`, `1`, or `2` respectively.
    $ kdialog --warningyesnocancel "${message}"
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  • kdialog:tldr:0d617 kdialog: Open a file chooser dialog and print the selected file's path to `stdout`.
    $ kdialog --getopenfilename
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  • kdialog:tldr:1c3f7 kdialog: Open a progressbar dialog and print a DBUS reference for communication to `stdout`.
    $ kdialog --progressbar "${message}"
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  • kdialog:tldr:70437 kdialog: Open a question dialog with a `yes` and `no` button, returning `0` and `1`, respectively.
    $ kdialog --yesno "${message}"
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  • kdialog:tldr:8a405 kdialog: Open a dialog containing a specific dropdown menu and print the selected item to `stdout`.
    $ kdialog --combobx "${message}" "${item1}" "${item2}" "${---}"
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  • kdialog:tldr:8e705 kdialog: Open a dialog to prompt for a specific password and print it to `stdout`.
    $ kdialog --password "${message}"
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  • kdialog:tldr:a0aa7 kdialog: Open a dialog box displaying a specific message.
    $ kdialog --msgbox "${message}" "${optional_detailed_message}"
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