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keyctl: Store a key with its value from standard input.
$ echo -n ${key_value} | keyctl padd ${type_keyring} ${key_name} ${target_keyring}
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This command is a combination of the echo and keyctl commands. Let's break it down step by step:

  1. echo -n ${key_value}: In this part, the echo command is used to print a value followed by a pipe (|). The -n flag is used to prevent the trailing newline character from being added to the output. ${key_value} represents a variable that holds the value to be printed.

  2. | (pipe): The pipe symbol | is used to redirect the output of the previous command (echo) to the next command (keyctl padd).

  3. keyctl padd ${type_keyring} ${key_name} ${target_keyring}: This part is the command keyctl padd followed by various arguments. The keyctl command is used for key management operations in Linux. Here's what each argument represents:

    • ${type_keyring}: This is a variable that specifies the type of keyring where the key will be added.
    • ${key_name}: This represents the name of the key to be added.
    • ${target_keyring}: This is the keyring where the new key will be added.

By combining the echo and keyctl commands with the pipe (|) operator, the command first echoes the ${key_value} without a trailing newline character, and then pipes it as input to the keyctl padd command, which adds a new key with the specified name to a specific keyring.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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