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keytool: Change a key's password inside a specific keystore.
$ keytool -keypasswd -alias ${key_name} -keystore ${filename-keystore}
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The command "keytool -keypasswd -alias ${key_name} -keystore ${filename-keystore}" is used to change the password of an existing private key in a keystore file using the keytool utility.

Let's break down the command:

  • "keytool": This is the command-line tool used for managing certificates, keys, and keystores in Java.
  • "-keypasswd": This option specifies that we want to change the password of a private key.
  • "-alias ${key_name}": This option identifies the alias (name) of the key that we want to modify. You would need to replace "${key_name}" with the actual alias of the private key.
  • "-keystore ${filename-keystore}": This option specifies the keystore file where the private key is stored. You would need to replace "${filename-keystore}" with the actual filename and path of the keystore file.

By executing this command and providing the necessary information, such as the key alias and keystore file, you will be prompted to enter the new password for the private key. Once you confirm the new password, it will replace the old password and secure the private key with the new password.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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