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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool keytool. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Keytool is a command-line tool available in the Java Development Kit (JDK) that helps manage cryptographic keys, certificates, and keystores. It is used primarily for working with Java KeyStores, which are repositories for cryptographic keys and certificates used in SSL/TLS encryption. Keytool is written in Java and bundled with the JDK.

With keytool, you can create and manage keys and certificates, generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), import and export keys and certificates, and update existing keystore entries. Keytool supports a variety of key and certificate formats, including PKCS12, JKS, JCEKS, and BKS.

Keytool provides various options to manage keys and certificates, such as generating self-signed certificates for testing purposes, requesting and importing signed certificates from Certificate Authorities (CAs), and viewing the details of existing keys and certificates. Keytool also allows you to manage keystore aliases, password protection, and keystore integrity.

Keytool is commonly used in the context of setting up SSL/TLS encryption for Java applications, including web servers, application servers, and other network services. It plays a crucial role in managing the cryptographic assets required for secure communication.

Keytool commands are executed through the command line interface, providing flexibility and automation options for key and certificate management tasks. It is an essential tool for any Java developer or system administrator involved in securing Java-based applications.

While Keytool is a feature-rich command-line tool, its command syntax can be complex, and proper understanding of key and certificate concepts is necessary to effectively use it. With its versatile capabilities, Keytool simplifies the management of cryptographic assets within the Java ecosystem.

List of commands for keytool:

  • keytool:tldr:0fbbe keytool: Change a key's password inside a specific keystore.
    $ keytool -keypasswd -alias ${key_name} -keystore ${filename-keystore}
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  • keytool:tldr:24917 keytool: Change a keystore password.
    $ keytool -storepasswd -keystore ${filename-keystore}
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  • keytool:tldr:dc2a1 keytool: Create a keystore.
    $ keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore ${filename-keystore} -alias ${key_name}
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tool overview