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khal: Print all events scheduled not in personal calendar for tomorrow at 10:00.
$ khal at -d ${personal} ${tomorrow} ${10:00}
try on your machine

This command is using the program "khal" to schedule an event.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "khal": It is the name of the program or command-line tool being executed. Khal is a terminal-based calendar application.
  • "at": It is a keyword used to indicate that you want to schedule an event.
  • "-d": It is a flag or option that stands for "date". It is used to specify the date of the event.
  • "${personal}": It is a placeholder or variable representing the calendar or calendar file where the event will be scheduled. The value of the "personal" variable would need to be set with the appropriate calendar file path or identifier before running the command.
  • "${tomorrow}": It is a placeholder or variable representing the date when the event will be scheduled. The value of the "tomorrow" variable would need to be set to the desired date in the appropriate format before running the command.
  • "${10:00}": It is a placeholder or variable representing the time of the event. The value of the "10:00" variable would need to be set to the desired time in the appropriate format before running the command.

Overall, this command instructs the "khal" program to schedule an event on the specified date and time in the provided calendar or calendar file. The specific values for the placeholders would need to be customized according to your requirements before executing the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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