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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool khal. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Khal is a command line tool for managing calendars in the terminal. It is designed primarily for use with CalDAV servers, making it easy to sync calendars across devices.

With Khal, you can view, add, edit, and delete events from your calendars directly from the command line. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing events, allowing you to quickly navigate through dates and make changes as needed.

This tool supports recurring events, so you can create events that repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. You can also set reminders for events to ensure you never miss any important appointments or deadlines.

Khal has a text-based interface, making it lightweight and fast to use. It also supports integration with other command line tools, allowing you to automate calendar management tasks or integrate it into your existing workflows.

The tool is highly configurable, allowing you to customize the display format, time zones, and various other settings to suit your preferences. It also has a search functionality, making it easy to find specific events based on keywords or date ranges.

Khal supports multiple calendars, so you can manage multiple personal or shared calendars from a single interface. It also has features like tagging and coloring to help organize and differentiate events.

The tool provides various export options, allowing you to save calendar data in different formats like iCalendar (ICS) or plain text. This makes it easy to share calendar information with others or import events into other calendar applications.

Khal is an open-source project, developed in Python, and actively maintained by the community. It runs on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Its documentation is comprehensive and provides step-by-step instructions on installation and usage.

List of commands for khal:

  • khal:tldr:4a561 khal: Add new event to personal calendar.
    $ khal new -a ${personal} ${2020-09-08} ${18:00} ${18:30} "${Dentist appointment}"
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  • khal:tldr:8111d khal: Print all events scheduled in personal calendar for the next seven days.
    $ khal list -a ${personal} ${today} ${7d}
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  • khal:tldr:ac911 khal: Print all events scheduled not in personal calendar for tomorrow at 10:00.
    $ khal at -d ${personal} ${tomorrow} ${10:00}
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  • khal:tldr:ca0f9 khal: Print a calendar with a list of events for the next three months.
    $ khal calendar
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tool overview