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List of commands for kitex:

  • kitex:tldr:1491b kitex: Generate client codes when a project is in `$GOPATH`.
    $ kitex ${path-to-IDL_file-thrift}
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  • kitex:tldr:54797 kitex: Generate server codes.
    $ kitex -service ${svc_name} ${path-to-IDL_file-thrift}
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    kitex:tldr:b4ba5 kitex: Generate client codes when a project is not in `$GOPATH`.
    $ kitex -module ${github-com-xx-org-xx-name} ${path-to-IDL_file-thrift}
    try on your machine
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  • kitex:tldr:e8818 kitex: Generate client codes with protobuf IDL.
    $ kitex -type protobuf ${path-to-IDL_file-proto}
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