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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kitex. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kitex is a command line tool that provides a convenient interface for creating and managing text-based presentations in the terminal. It allows users to easily create and format slides using a simple, intuitive markup language.

With Kitex, you can create slides with headers, bullet points, code snippets, and even images. The tool offers a range of customization options, including slide transitions, color schemes, background images, and fonts.

Kitex supports multiple output formats, allowing you to export your presentations as plain text, HTML, or PDF files. This makes it easy to share and distribute your presentations across different platforms.

The tool is designed to be lightweight and fast, ensuring smooth scrolling and navigation through your presentation. It offers a presenter mode that allows you to view your slides in fullscreen, making it suitable for live presentations or demos.

Kitex supports a wide range of keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation and editing, making it efficient and user-friendly. It also provides a built-in live preview feature that allows you to see how your slides will look in real-time as you edit them.

The command line interface of Kitex makes it highly scriptable, allowing you to automate the creation and modification of your presentations. It also integrates well with other command line tools, making it a flexible and versatile choice.

Kitex is an open-source tool and is actively maintained by a community of developers. It is written in Python and can be easily installed using package managers like pip. Detailed documentation and tutorials are available to help users get started with Kitex quickly and easily.

Overall, Kitex is a powerful and customizable tool that simplifies the process of creating and managing text-based presentations in the command line, offering a convenient and efficient alternative to traditional graphical presentation software.

List of commands for kitex:

  • kitex:tldr:1491b kitex: Generate client codes when a project is in `$GOPATH`.
    $ kitex ${path-to-IDL_file-thrift}
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    explain this command
  • kitex:tldr:54797 kitex: Generate server codes.
    $ kitex -service ${svc_name} ${path-to-IDL_file-thrift}
    try on your machine
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  • kitex:tldr:e8818 kitex: Generate client codes with protobuf IDL.
    $ kitex -type protobuf ${path-to-IDL_file-proto}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview