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kmutil: Check the consistency of kext collections against each other.
$ kmutil check
try on your machine

The command "kmutil check" is a command used in macOS to verify the integrity and security of kernel extensions (KEXTs) on the system.

Kernel extensions are pieces of software code that can be loaded into the macOS kernel to add new functionality or device support. They run in a privileged mode and have access to low-level system resources.

The "kmutil check" command checks the cryptographic signatures of all installed kernel extensions against the system's trust policy. It ensures that the loaded kernel extensions have not been tampered with or modified, guaranteeing their authenticity and security.

By running this command, macOS analyzes each kernel extension's signature and compares it with the system's trusted database. If a kernel extension fails the check, it may indicate that it has been tampered with or is not from a trusted source. The command can help identify potentially malicious or compromised kernel extensions that could pose a security risk to the system.

Overall, "kmutil check" is a useful command to maintain the security and integrity of kernel extensions on a macOS system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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