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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kmutil. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


kmutil is a command line tool used in macOS that helps manage kernel extensions. It enables users to interact with the system's kernel and perform various tasks related to system extensions. The tool can be found in the /usr/bin directory on macOS and it requires administrative privileges to execute most commands.

Using kmutil, users can load and unload kernel extensions to modify the operating system's behavior. It allows for the installation, removal, or updating of kernel extensions needed for hardware drivers and other system-level software to function properly. For example, graphics drivers or security software often rely on kernel extensions.

In addition to loading and unloading extensions, kmutil provides options to verify the stability and compatibility of kernel extensions with the current macOS version. Users can also list information about currently loaded kernel extension versions and view details of any issues encountered during the load process.

Overall, kmutil is a powerful utility in macOS that facilitates the management of kernel extensions, ensuring the stability, security, and proper functioning of the operating system and associated software.

List of commands for kmutil:

  • kmutil:tldr:0e110 kmutil: Display logging information about the Kernel Management sub-system.
    $ kmutil log
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  • kmutil:tldr:0f418 kmutil: Inspect and display a kext collection's contents according to the options provided.
    $ kmutil inspect ${options}
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  • kmutil:tldr:541d3 kmutil: Dump kernelmanagerd state for debugging.
    $ sudo kmutil dumpstate
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  • kmutil:tldr:b1841 kmutil: Check the consistency of kext collections against each other.
    $ kmutil check
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  • kmutil:tldr:cd2f4 kmutil: Find kexts available on the operating system.
    $ kmutil find
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  • kmutil:tldr:ce9e1 kmutil: Load one or more extensions based on the bundle specified at this path in the results.
    $ kmutil load --bundle-path ${path-to-extension-kext}
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tool overview