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kustomize: Search for Kubernetes resources in the current directory to be added to the kustomization file.
$ kustomize create --autodetect
try on your machine

The command "kustomize create --autodetect" is used with the Kustomize tool, which is a configuration management tool for Kubernetes. This command is used to create a new Kustomize project with an initial Kustomization file.

Here is what the individual components of the command mean:

  • "kustomize": This is the main command used to interact with the Kustomize tool.
  • "create": This subcommand is used to create a new Kustomize project.
  • "--autodetect": This flag is used to automatically detect the resources in the current directory and generate an initial Kustomization file. The detected resources can include Kubernetes manifests like deployment, service, configmap, etc. The Kustomization file is used to define the desired configuration and customization options for these Kubernetes resources.

In summary, running "kustomize create --autodetect" command will create a new Kustomize project and generate an initial Kustomization file based on the resources found in the current directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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