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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kustomize. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kustomize is a command line tool for customizing Kubernetes resources. It allows you to manage and customize deployment configurations programmatically. Kustomize follows a declarative approach, enabling you to define desired state instead of writing imperative scripts. It is part of the official Kubernetes project and is widely used within the Kubernetes community. With Kustomize, you can perform overlays on a base configuration to create multiple variants customized for different environments or purposes. It supports different customization techniques, including adding, modifying, or removing fields from YAML files. Kustomize leverages a patching mechanism to apply changes incrementally without modifying the base resources directly. You can organize customization configurations into multiple layers, making it easy to manage complex deployments. It integrates well with other Kubernetes components like kubectl and kubeval, simplifying the workflow for managing applications on Kubernetes. Kustomize is highly extensible and allows you to write custom transformers and generators to enhance its functionality.

List of commands for kustomize:

  • kustomize:tldr:7d44e kustomize: Set an image in the kustomization file.
    $ kustomize edit set image ${busybox=alpine:3-6}
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  • kustomize:tldr:ad2a8 kustomize: Build kustomization file and deploy it with `kubectl`.
    $ kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
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  • kustomize:tldr:cdbeb kustomize: Search for Kubernetes resources in the current directory to be added to the kustomization file.
    $ kustomize create --autodetect
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  • kustomize:tldr:cfd63 kustomize: Create kustomization file with resources and namespace.
    $ kustomize create --resources ${deployment-yaml,service-yaml} --namespace ${staging}
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