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latexmk: Clean up all temporary TEX files in the current directory.
$ latexmk -c
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The command "latexmk -c" is used to clean up auxiliary files generated by LaTeX during the compilation process. Here is what each component of the command means:

  • "latexmk": It is a build automation tool for LaTeX documents. It automatically runs the necessary commands to compile a LaTeX document.
  • "-c": It is an option or flag for the "latexmk" command. In this context, it stands for "clean" or "cleanup". When used with "latexmk", it instructs the tool to remove all the redundant or temporary files created during the compilation.

By running "latexmk -c", you essentially tell the latexmk tool to delete all the auxiliary files associated with your LaTeX document. This can include files like ".aux" (auxiliary file), ".log" (log file), ".toc" (table of contents), ".lof" (list of figures), ".lot" (list of tables), etc.

Cleaning up these auxiliary files is useful when you want to tidy up your project directory, remove unnecessary files, or start a fresh compilation from scratch.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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