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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool latexmk. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LaTeXmk is a powerful command line tool designed to automate the compilation of LaTeX documents. It streamlines the process of building LaTeX files by automatically handling common tasks such as compiling, generating bibliographies, and cleaning up auxiliary files.

By monitoring the changes in the source files, LaTeXmk determines which files need to be recompiled, ensuring that you always have an up-to-date document. It takes into account dependencies between files, including cross-references and bibliographies, so that the compilation process is executed efficiently.

LaTeXmk supports various LaTeX engines such as pdfTeX, XeTeX, and LuaTeX, making it adaptable to different document types and preferences. It offers customization options through a configuration file, allowing users to tailor the behavior of the tool to specific requirements.

This command line tool integrates well with editors and IDEs, allowing for a seamless integration into your preferred workflow. It can be easily incorporated into build systems or used as a standalone tool.

LaTeXmk provides comprehensive error handling, which includes highlighting errors and warnings, as well as presenting a summary at the end of the compilation process.

The tool supports parallel compilation, enabling faster document generation by utilizing multiple cores or processors.

LaTeXmk is cross-platform, compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. It is widely used by LaTeX users due to its reliability and efficiency in managing the compilation process.

With its simplicity and versatility, LaTeXmk is an essential tool for LaTeX users who want to automate the process of building their documents and ensure a smooth and error-free compilation experience.

List of commands for latexmk:

  • latexmk:tldr:37b9e latexmk: Compile a PDF document.
    $ latexmk -pdf ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • latexmk:tldr:39ac5 latexmk: Compile a DVI document from a specific source file.
    $ latexmk ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • latexmk:tldr:4cdf9 latexmk: Clean up all temporary TEX files in the current directory.
    $ latexmk -c
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • latexmk:tldr:6231f latexmk: Force the generation of a document even if there are errors.
    $ latexmk -f ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • latexmk:tldr:9c538 latexmk: Compile a DVI (Device Independent file) document from every source.
    $ latexmk
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • latexmk:tldr:fb3e8 latexmk: Clean up temporary TEX files created for a specific TEX file.
    $ latexmk -c ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview