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latexmk: Force the generation of a document even if there are errors.
$ latexmk -f ${source-tex}
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The command "latexmk" is a tool for managing the compiling process of LaTeX documents. It automates tasks like running LaTeX, BibTeX, and MakeIndex as necessary to achieve correct output.

"-f" is an option that forces a full run of the compilation process, regardless of any checks or previous compilations. This ensures that all the necessary steps are executed to generate the final document.

"${source-tex}" is a variable that represents the source LaTeX file to be compiled. "${source-tex}" can be replaced with the actual file name or path of your LaTeX document, for example, "myfile.tex".

So, the command "latexmk -f ${source-tex}" runs latexmk with the "-f" option to force a complete compilation of the LaTeX document represented by the "${source-tex}" variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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