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latte-dock: Clear QML cache.
$ latte-dock --clear-cache
try on your machine

The command "latte-dock --clear-cache" is used to clear the cache of the Latte Dock application.

Latte Dock is a desktop dock and panel for Linux desktop environments that provides a way to organize and access frequently used applications and system functions. Like other applications, Latte Dock generates and uses cache files to improve the performance and user experience.

When you run the "latte-dock --clear-cache" command, it instructs Latte Dock to remove and rebuild its cache files. This can be useful in situations where there are issues with the cache, such as incorrect or outdated information being displayed, or if you have made changes to the dock's configuration and want to ensure that the cache reflects those changes.

By clearing the cache, you are essentially starting fresh with regards to the dock's cached data. After running this command, Latte Dock will recreate the necessary cache files, which may take a few moments, and then continue functioning as normal with an updated cache.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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