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ldd: Report missing data objects and functions, and perform relocations for both.
$ ldd --function-relocs ${path-to-binary}
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The command "ldd --function-relocs ${path-to-binary}" is used to display the shared library dependencies and function relocations of a given binary file.

Explanation of the command parts:

  • "ldd" is a Linux command used to print the shared object dependencies of an executable file. It stands for "List Dynamic Dependencies."
  • "--function-relocs" is an option specific to the ldd command that instructs it to display function relocations. Function relocations are the modifications made in a binary file to link external functions from shared libraries.
  • "${path-to-binary}" is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the actual path to the binary file for which you want to display the dependencies and function relocations.

When you run this command, it will execute ldd and provide a list of shared libraries that the specified binary file depends on. Additionally, it will display any function relocations caused by linking those shared libraries. Function relocations are essential for resolving the addresses of external functions during runtime.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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