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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ldd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ldd is a command line tool used primarily in Linux-based systems to determine the shared library dependencies of an executable or a shared object file. It stands for "list dynamic dependencies" and provides insight into which libraries are required by a specific binary file.

When executed with the ldd command followed by the path to the binary file, it scans the file and displays a list of all the shared libraries that are necessary for it to run. This information is useful for troubleshooting missing dependencies or incompatible versions of libraries.

ldd also shows the locations of the libraries on the system, indicating whether they are present or if any issues may arise. It can help identify incorrect library versions or missing dependencies that may lead to runtime errors.

Additionally, the ldd command can be used to check the architecture compatibility between the binary file and the system. It ensures that the correct libraries are available and compatible with the processor's architecture.

By analyzing the output of ldd, developers and system administrators can better understand the dependencies of a binary file, diagnose any issues related to libraries or versions, and take the necessary steps to resolve them.

Overall, ldd is a valuable tool for examining and managing dynamic library dependencies in Linux systems, aiding in the proper execution and compatibility of binary files.

List of commands for ldd:

  • ldd:tldr:1a5de ldd: Display shared library dependencies of a binary.
    $ ldd ${path-to-binary}
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  • ldd:tldr:58488 ldd: Display all information about dependencies.
    $ ldd --verbose ${path-to-binary}
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  • ldd:tldr:a5447 ldd: Report missing data objects and perform data relocations.
    $ ldd --data-relocs ${path-to-binary}
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  • ldd:tldr:c0c19 ldd: Report missing data objects and functions, and perform relocations for both.
    $ ldd --function-relocs ${path-to-binary}
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  • ldd:tldr:d3f5f ldd: Display unused direct dependencies.
    $ ldd --unused ${path-to-binary}
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