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ldd: Display unused direct dependencies.
$ ldd --unused ${path-to-binary}
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The command ldd is used to print the shared library dependencies of a binary executable file. It helps to identify the external libraries required by a binary to run successfully.

The --unused option is used to highlight any unused direct dependencies of the binary. Unused dependencies refer to the libraries that are linked to the binary but are not actually necessary for its execution.

${path-to-binary} in the command represents the path to the binary executable file for which you want to check the shared library dependencies.

By executing this command, you can see the list of shared libraries that the specified binary depends on and identify any unnecessary dependencies that can be removed to optimize the binary's performance or reduce its size.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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