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lebab: Display a list of the available transformations.
$ lebab --help
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The command lebab --help is used to access the help documentation for the Lebab tool.

Lebab is a command-line tool that assists in transforming JavaScript code from older, deprecated syntax to modern, more widely supported syntax. It enables you to automatically convert code written in outdated JavaScript standards (like ES5) to the latest ECMAScript versions (such as ES2015+).

When you execute lebab --help in the command-line interface, it will display information about how to use the Lebab tool, including its command options and arguments. The help documentation provides details on how to utilize all the available features and options provided by Lebab, helping you transform your JavaScript code effectively.

By referring to the help documentation, you can learn about the various command-line flags, possible configurations, and the syntax required to utilize Lebab's transforming capabilities.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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