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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lebab. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Lebab is a command-line tool that helps you upgrade your old JavaScript code to modern ES6 syntax.

It is designed to ease the process of migrating legacy codebases by automatically transforming outdated features into their ES6 equivalent patterns.

Lebab supports a wide range of transformations, such as arrow functions, template strings, destructuring assignments, default parameters, and class syntax.

It follows a set of well-defined rules to make the modernized code compatible with all popular JavaScript engines, ensuring it works consistently across different environments.

This tool can be used both as a command-line utility and as a JavaScript library, providing flexibility to integrate it into various development workflows.

You can also configure Lebab to ignore certain files or folders during transformation by utilizing a .lebabrc file or command-line configuration options.

The transformation process performed by Lebab is non-destructive, meaning it does not modify the original files but generates an upgraded copy instead.

Lebab has a simple and intuitive interface, displaying useful information like transformed files count, time taken, and any warnings or errors encountered during the process.

It is actively maintained with regular updates and bug fixes, ensuring compatibility with the latest ES6 standards and best practices.

Overall, Lebab is a powerful tool for automating the migration of legacy JavaScript code to modern ES6, saving developers time and effort while ensuring code maintainability and performance.

List of commands for lebab:

  • lebab:tldr:126dc lebab: Transpile a file to the specified output file.
    $ lebab ${path-to-input_file} --out-file ${path-to-output_file}
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  • lebab:tldr:28029 lebab: Transpile a file to `stdout`.
    $ lebab ${path-to-input_file}
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  • lebab:tldr:c5e66 lebab: Transpile using one or more comma-separated transformations.
    $ lebab --transform ${transformation}
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  • lebab:tldr:c7c39 lebab: Display a list of the available transformations.
    $ lebab --help
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  • lebab:tldr:d6409 lebab: Replace all `.js` files in-place in the specified directory, glob or file.
    $ lebab --replace ${select}
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tool overview