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licensor: Specify a copyright holder named Bobby Tables.
$ licensor ${MIT} ${"Bobby Tables"} > ${LICENSE}
try on your machine

This command is utilizing a licensor script or program to generate a software license agreement file. The ${MIT} and ${"Bobby Tables"} are placeholders or variables that will be replaced with specific values when the command is executed.

In this case, ${MIT} likely represents the type of license being used, which is the MIT License. The MIT License is a permissive open-source license that allows users to do various things with the software, including modifying, distributing, and using it for any purpose, as long as the original license terms are included.

The ${"Bobby Tables"} represents the name of the person or entity that will be the licensor, i.e., the individual or organization granting the license for the software. "Bobby Tables" is likely an example name, and it should be replaced with the actual name of the licensor.

The > ${LICENSE} is redirecting the output of the licensor command to a file named "LICENSE". The ">" symbol denotes redirecting the output and the ${LICENSE} is a file path representing where the generated license agreement file should be saved.

Overall, when this command is executed, it will run the licensor script, replace the placeholders with the appropriate values (e.g., MIT license type and licensor's name), and save the generated license agreement to a file named "LICENSE".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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