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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool licensor. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"Licensor" is a command-line tool designed to assist users in managing software licenses. With Licensor, users can easily generate, verify, and manage licenses for their applications. It offers a simple and intuitive interface for these tasks.

This tool supports various types of licenses, such as single-user licenses, floating licenses, and time-limited licenses. Users can specify the conditions and restrictions of the licenses, including the number of seats or the duration of the license. Licensor ensures the validity of licenses by employing encryption techniques to protect against tampering or unauthorized modifications.

One of the key features of Licensor is its ability to generate license files, which can be easily distributed to end-users. These license files are typically used to unlock and activate the licensed software. The tool also supports license activation and deactivation processes, allowing users to manage licenses effectively.

Licensor provides a validation mechanism that enables the software to validate the license file and determine its authenticity and validity. Additionally, it offers features like license report generation, license revocation, and license renewal.

This command-line tool can be integrated into existing software build processes, making it suitable for developers and software companies who want to automate license management tasks. It supports cross-platform usage and can be deployed on various operating systems.

Licensor also allows users to customize the user interface and license file formats to match their branding or application requirements. It provides extensive documentation and support to help users understand and utilize its features effectively.

By providing a comprehensive set of features for license generation, validation, and management, Licensor simplifies the process of managing software licenses and ensures compliance with licensing policies.

List of commands for licensor:

  • licensor:tldr:099e8 licensor: Specify a copyright holder named Bobby Tables.
    $ licensor ${MIT} ${"Bobby Tables"} > ${LICENSE}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • licensor:tldr:10daf licensor: List all available exceptions.
    $ licensor --exceptions
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • licensor:tldr:24420 licensor: List all available licenses.
    $ licensor --licenses
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • licensor:tldr:9b7b4 licensor: Write the MIT license with a [p]laceholder copyright notice to a file named `LICENSE`.
    $ licensor -p ${MIT} > ${LICENSE}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • licensor:tldr:e73bb licensor: Write the MIT license to a file named `LICENSE`.
    $ licensor ${MIT} > ${LICENSE}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview