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licensor: List all available licenses.
$ licensor --licenses
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The command licensor --licenses is likely a command-line tool used to obtain information about licenses used in a software application, project, or repository.

When the command is executed, the program named "licensor" is run, and the specific argument "--licenses" is passed to the program. This argument instructs the program to retrieve and display the licenses information associated with the software project.

This command is useful for software developers, managers, or licensing compliance officers to gain an overview of the licenses being used within a specific codebase or project. Depending on the implementation, the command may display a list of licenses along with relevant details such as license names, versions, and copyright information.

In summary, the licensor --licenses command provides license-related information about a software project or codebase.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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