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licensor: Write the MIT license to a file named `LICENSE`.
$ licensor ${MIT} > ${LICENSE}
try on your machine

This command is using the "licensor" tool or script to generate a license file, specifically in the format of the MIT license. The output of this command (the license text) is being redirected to a file named "LICENSE".

In more detail:

  • "licensor" is a placeholder representing a tool or script that is responsible for generating licenses. It could be an actual command-line tool or a custom script.
  • ${MIT} is a placeholder representing an argument or option being passed to the licensor tool. In this case, it indicates that the MIT license template should be used.
  • ">" is a symbol used for redirecting the output of a command. It takes the output that would normally be displayed in the terminal and sends it to a file instead.
  • ${LICENSE} is a placeholder representing the filename where the generated license should be written. You can choose any desired filename here.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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