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linkchecker: Also check URLs that point to external domains.
$ linkchecker --check-extern ${https:--example-com-}
try on your machine

The command "linkchecker --check-extern ${https:--example-com-}" is used to check the validity and status of external links provided in a website.

Here is a breakdown of the elements in the command:

  • "linkchecker": The main command or executable that is being run. This refers to a specific software or tool named "linkchecker" that is used for checking links.

  • "--check-extern": This is a flag or option for the "linkchecker" command. By including this flag, we are instructing the tool to check external links, which means links that point to other websites outside of the current domain.

  • "${https:--example-com-}": This is a placeholder or variable that represents the specific link that we want to check. In this case, it is referring to the URL "".

When we run this command, the "linkchecker" tool will be executed with the instruction to check all external links in the provided URL, which is "". It will then analyze each link and provide information about its validity, such as whether it is reachable, broken, or contains any errors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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