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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool linkchecker. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LinkChecker is a command line tool designed to check the validity and integrity of links within a website. It crawls through the pages of a given website, scanning for both internal and external URLs. The tool is primarily used for detecting and resolving broken links, thus improving the overall user experience.

LinkChecker supports multiple output formats, including console, HTML, CSV, and XML, allowing users to customize the output according to their needs. It provides detailed information about each link, such as the HTTP status code, link type, and whether it is valid or not.

This tool also offers various configuration options to fine-tune the crawling process, including limiting the depth of the crawl, excluding certain URLs or patterns, and specifying the parallelism level for quicker scans. Users can also set timeout values and set custom HTTP request headers.

In addition to checking links, LinkChecker can also perform other site-wide validation tasks, such as finding duplicate titles or detecting potential HTML coding errors. It supports cookies and basic authentication, enabling scanning of password-protected pages.

LinkChecker is built using Python and is therefore platform-independent. It can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS, providing flexibility to users across different operating systems. The tool is open-source, allowing users to contribute to its development and customization according to their specific requirements. Detailed documentation and a friendly user community are available to provide support and assistance to users.

List of commands for linkchecker:

  • linkchecker:tldr:07b34 linkchecker: Find broken links on
    $ linkchecker ${https:--example-com-}
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  • linkchecker:tldr:47517 linkchecker: Also check URLs that point to external domains.
    $ linkchecker --check-extern ${https:--example-com-}
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  • linkchecker:tldr:57a39 linkchecker: Ignore URLs that match a specific regular expression.
    $ linkchecker --ignore-url ${regular_expression} ${https:--example-com-}
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  • linkchecker:tldr:c9793 linkchecker: Output results to a CSV file.
    $ linkchecker --file-output ${csv}/${filename} ${https:--example-com-}
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tool overview