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linkchecker: Ignore URLs that match a specific regular expression.
$ linkchecker --ignore-url ${regular_expression} ${https:--example-com-}
try on your machine

The given command is a command line instruction using the tool "linkchecker" with some parameters. Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  • linkchecker: This is the name or executable of the tool or program being used in the command. It is likely a command line application designed to check the validity and availability of links within a website.

  • --ignore-url: This is a flag or option provided by the "linkchecker" tool. It is used to specify that certain URLs should be ignored during the link checking process. URLs matching the expression provided after this flag will be skipped.

  • ${regular_expression}: This is a placeholder indicating that a regular expression should be specified at this position in the command. Regular expressions are used for pattern matching and can be used to define complex search patterns for matching URLs.

  • ${https:--example-com-}: Similar to the previous placeholder, this represents a URL that should be checked. It is usually expected that the "linkchecker" tool will analyze the links present on this webpage and validate their status.

Overall, this command is instructing the "linkchecker" tool to analyze a particular webpage ( and ignore any URLs that match a specific regular expression pattern. The actual regular expression and other options need to be substituted correctly to use this command effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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