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lipo: Create a universal file from two single-architecture files.
$ lipo ${path-to-binary_file-x86_64} ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e} -create -output ${path-to-binary_file}
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The command you provided is using the lipo tool, which is a utility for manipulating universal binaries on macOS. A universal binary is a binary file that contains executable code for multiple architectures.

The lipo command you provided performs the following operations:

  1. ${path-to-binary_file-x86_64}: This is the path to a binary file compiled for the x86_64 architecture (Intel-based Macs). Replace ${path-to-binary_file-x86_64} with the actual file path.

  2. ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e}: This is the path to another binary file compiled for the arm64e architecture (Apple Silicon Macs). Replace ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e} with the actual file path.

  3. -create: This option tells lipo to create a new universal binary by combining the specified input binary files.

  4. -output ${path-to-binary_file}: This option specifies the path for the output universal binary file. Replace ${path-to-binary_file} with the desired path and filename for the resulting combined binary file.

In summary, the lipo command combines two separate binary files compiled for different architectures (x86_64 and arm64e) into a single universal binary file, which contains executable code for both architectures.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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