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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lipo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Lipo is a command line tool for manipulating universal binary executables on macOS. It allows developers to work with executables that contain code for multiple architectures within a single file. With lipo, developers can create, modify, or extract architectures from universal binaries. This is useful in cases where developers need to provide separate binaries for different CPU architectures, such as Intel and ARM. Lipo provides various options to perform tasks like creating universal binaries by combining multiple object files, extracting specific architectures, or thinning executables by removing architectures not needed for a particular target. It also supports verification of architectures within executables. Lipo is commonly utilized in macOS development workflows, especially when targeting multiple CPU architectures or producing redistributable software. It simplifies the process of managing and distributing executables for different platforms.

List of commands for lipo:

  • lipo:tldr:5258b lipo: Create a universal file from two single-architecture files.
    $ lipo ${path-to-binary_file-x86_64} ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e} -create -output ${path-to-binary_file}
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  • lipo:tldr:6a96d lipo: Display detailed information about a universal file.
    $ lipo ${path-to-binary_file} -detailed_info
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  • lipo:tldr:73d32 lipo: Extract a single-architecture file from a universal file.
    $ lipo ${path-to-binary_file} -thin ${arm64e} -output ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e}
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  • lipo:tldr:aa4cc lipo: List all architectures contained in a universal file.
    $ lipo ${path-to-binary_file} -archs
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