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lipo: Display detailed information about a universal file.
$ lipo ${path-to-binary_file} -detailed_info
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The command "lipo" is a utility for managing Universal Binary files on macOS systems.

The "${path-to-binary_file}" is a placeholder for the actual path to a binary file that you need to provide. This can be the path to any binary file on your system.

The "-detailed_info" option is used to display detailed information about the specified binary file. When you execute this command, it will provide you with information such as the architectures supported by the binary file, the offsets of each architecture, and the sizes of each slice.

Overall, this command allows you to inspect the details of a binary file and understand its architecture.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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