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lipo: Extract a single-architecture file from a universal file.
$ lipo ${path-to-binary_file} -thin ${arm64e} -output ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e}
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This command uses the lipo tool in macOS to modify a binary file. Here is an explanation of the command:

  1. lipo: It is a command-line tool in macOS used for creating or modifying universal binaries.

  2. ${path-to-binary_file}: This represents the path to the original binary file that needs to be modified.

  3. -thin ${arm64e}: The -thin option specifies that only a specific architecture should be retained in the binary. ${arm64e} represents the desired architecture, which in this case is the arm64e architecture.

  4. -output ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e}: The -output option specifies the path and name of the resulting modified binary file. ${path-to-binary_file-arm64e} represents the path where the modified binary file should be saved.

In summary, this command takes the original binary file (${path-to-binary_file}), removes all architectures except for ${arm64e}, and saves the modified binary to the specified path (${path-to-binary_file-arm64e}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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