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llc: Enable all optimizations.
$ llc -O3 ${path-to-input-ll}
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The command "llc" is the LLVM static compiler, used to translate LLVM bitcode into machine code specific to a target architecture.

"-O3" is a level of optimization passed as an argument to the llc command. It corresponds to the highest level of optimization, meaning the generated machine code will be highly optimized for performance.

"${path-to-input-ll}" is a placeholder for the actual path to an LLVM bitcode file. The command expects the user to replace this placeholder with the path to the specific LLVM bitcode file they want to compile.

To summarize, the given command compiles the LLVM bitcode file specified by "${path-to-input-ll}" into highly optimized machine code using the LLVM static compiler with the highest level of optimization (-O3).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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