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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool llc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LLC stands for Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) Compiler used as a command line tool. It is a back-end compiler that converts LLVM intermediate representation (IR) into machine code. LLC is part of the LLVM project, which is designed to be modular and provide a set of reusable compiler components. It supports multiple target architectures, including x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, and others. The llc command allows developers to generate executable or object files directly from LLVM IR source code. It can be used as a standalone tool or as part of a larger compilation pipeline. LLC provides various optimization options to improve the generated code's performance and size. It can optimize for speed, size, or a balance between the two, based on the target platform and user preferences. Developers can also use specific command-line arguments to control the generated code's behavior and characteristics. LLC plays a crucial role in the LLVM ecosystem, enabling the compilation of high-level programming languages into efficient and platform-specific machine code.

List of commands for llc:

  • llc:tldr:1bca4 llc: Compile a bitcode or IR file to an assembly file with the same base name.
    $ llc ${filename-ll}
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  • llc:tldr:42d29 llc: Enable all optimizations.
    $ llc -O3 ${path-to-input-ll}
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  • llc:tldr:b45d3 llc: Emit fully relocatable, position independent code.
    $ llc -relocation-model=pic ${path-to-input-ll}
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  • llc:tldr:e4bef llc: Output assembly to a specific file.
    $ llc --output ${path-to-output-s}
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