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llc: Emit fully relocatable, position independent code.
$ llc -relocation-model=pic ${path-to-input-ll}
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The command llc -relocation-model=pic ${path-to-input-ll} is used to invoke the LLVM backend compiler llc with a specific relocation model, targeting a specific input LLVM IR file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • llc: This is the command used to invoke the LLVM backend compiler. It takes LLVM IR code as input and produces machine code or assembly code as output.

  • -relocation-model=pic: This option specifies the relocation model to be used by llc. By specifying pic, it indicates that the generated code should be position independent. Position independent code (PIC) can be loaded and executed from any memory address without modifications, making it suitable for use in shared libraries or environments where the absolute memory location of the code is not known in advance.

  • ${path-to-input-ll}: This is the path to the input LLVM IR file on which llc will operate. The input file should have the .ll extension, which indicates that it contains LLVM IR code.

By executing this command with the appropriate arguments, the LLVM backend compiler llc will be instructed to process the specified input LLVM IR file, applying the relocation model of pic to generate position independent machine or assembly code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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