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llvm-bcanalyzer: Print an SGML representation and statistics about a Bitcode file.
$ llvm-bcanalyzer -dump ${filename-bc}
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The command "llvm-bcanalyzer -dump ${filename-bc}" is a command-line instruction that utilizes the "llvm-bcanalyzer" tool. Here's an explanation of its components:

  • "llvm-bcanalyzer" refers to the LLVM Bitcode Analyzer tool. LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) is a compiler infrastructure project, and llvm-bcanalyzer is a component of it. It specifically examines and analyzes LLVM bitcode files.

  • "-dump" is an option provided to llvm-bcanalyzer that instructs it to perform a dump of the specified bitcode file.

  • "${filename-bc}" is a placeholder indicating the input file to be analyzed. It suggests that the actual filename should be substituted in place of "${filename-bc}". The file extension ".bc" suggests that it is a LLVM bitcode file.

So, the overall purpose of the command is to use llvm-bcanalyzer to analyze and perform a dump of the specified LLVM bitcode file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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