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llvm-dis: Convert a bitcode file as LLVM IR and write the result to `stdout`.
$ llvm-dis ${path-to-input-bc} -o -
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The command "llvm-dis" is a part of the LLVM compiler infrastructure, specifically used for disassembling the LLVM bytecode files. The purpose of disassembling is to convert the binary bytecode into a human-readable text form.

Here is a breakdown of the given command:

  • ${path-to-input-bc}: This represents the path to the input bytecode (.bc) file that you want to disassemble.
  • -o -: This specifies the output file where the disassembled code should be written. In this case, the dash - indicates that the output will be redirected to the standard output instead of a file.

Putting it all together, the command llvm-dis ${path-to-input-bc} -o - takes an LLVM bytecode file as input and disassembles it, printing the resulting human-readable disassembled code to the standard output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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